Saturday, January 12, 2013

Is it Just Me or?

To whom it may concern:

Each time I have to run errands, at least my homeward route takes me past a Church of Christ school. Like most modern private academies, they have one of those lighted, scrolling marque signs to remind the passersby of up coming bake sale, report cards, or various breaks. When there are no announcements, they simply flaunt their school pride with a, no doubt, heart felt, "Go Centurions." 

Now maybe it's just me, but that seems like a uniquely bad choice of mascots for a Christian school. After all, isn't a mascot supposed to symbolically embody a school's values or ideals? Moreover, given the almost fetishly strict adherence to detail which the average Church of Christ church pays to minutiae of detail regarding life and theology, choosing the type of Roman soldier which crucified Jesus of Nazareth seems  more than painfully ironic. 

Of course, I went to high school where the mascot was the Trojan. Think of it, in the late 70's, the only brand of condom sold in my town was, yes, Trojans. Needless to say, we were reminded of that fact a lot, especially after a sound defeat in football. Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the Trojans are only famous because they got their asses shamefully handed to them by accepting a gift horse from the Greeks who had hidden their best warriors in the belly. Either way one takes it, that's one unfortunate choice of mascots. 

Maybe it's just me, but I think the powers which be, in choosing a mascot, should examine the historical context a bit better before selecting an emblem of "power" to represent their school's ideals and values. 

Just sayin'.

Until next time,

Contemplate the mysteries, and mascots, and remember to breathe.

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